He touches me


He touches me in mysterious ways
Only my heart can understand.
The feelings he evokes when his eyes meet mine
Are almost more than I can stand.
He gently breathes, I close my eyes
And feel his love flow softly over me
Like a babbling brook, winding its way
Through the forest;
An endless stream to the sea.

The stars in the sky spell out his name,
As the clouds come racing in
To hold him closer; As if even they,
Can not be without him.
He only has to speak my name
And my fragile heart skips a beat
And as his tender words are uttered,
All my doubts and troubled fears
Are put to sleep.
He touches me and I'm filled
With the most warm and wondrous light
It's as if before him, I was just as dark
As the dead of the longest night.
Just to gaze into his eyes
And feel his heart beat with mine,
It's all I'll ever,
ever ask until the end of time!

23 oktober 2004



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