tell me..


i dont know
please tell me who i am
i need you so
tell me what i have to do,
tell me what i´m doing wrong
please tell me how to stay strong
please tell what a woman i was before,
cause i dont know it anymore
i can say that i am what i am
that i´m doing wat i do
and that i dont give a damn
but beyond my sparkling eyes,
is hiding a little girl that cant cover her lies
you know what i sad,
and i know that really makes you feel bad
boy i can tell a lie
but please understand when i am asking you why
beautifull as i am
please tell me who i am
as beautifull as i can be
please tell me what you see
please tell me something nice
so i dont have to cover my eyes
i cant see what i´m doing
or what it does to you
i cant see how my tears are falling
and i wish i knew
but my mask is covering the light today
please tell me what to say
please tell me how to think
and if i have to stay
i want to know it all
than maybe you will break my fall
im feeling empty cause you dont know who i am
but it doesnt matter
cause i just pretend that i dont give a damn
dont think about it just go and look
just go and remember what they took
and please understand my eyes
cause that feels so nice
just lissent to the words i tell you
just lissent to the voice i have
please say that you can pull me treu
and please make me laugh
fight for me and tell me what i am today
tell me what to live for and why i have to stay
please break the rules to be with me and tell me all my dreams
please tell me that not everything is what it seems

7 februari 2006



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