i'm sory


Something is on or way,
I dont know what it is,
Something keeps us apart,
I whant to be with you forever,
Please stay with me,
Hold me in your strong arms,
Never let me go,
I love you so,
You are the one for me,
But i am so scared,
And i dont know what it is,
Please tell me where are you up to,
I dont know what to do,
I miss you so much,
I keep crying and asking why,
But i dont get a answer,
Where are you,
What do you expect of me,
Whant to do the right thing,
But keep one doing wrong,
Please forgive me,
Dont know what to do,
Forgive all the things i did wrong,
Cause i am so sorry for what i am,
And i am sorry for doing wrong

11 februari 2006


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