girl in the mirror


You’re locked up in the mirror
I wish you were free
I wish you didn’t excist
I wish you wouldn’t follow me
To heaven of my life
You are the key
But you don’t seem to help
I can’t accept you’re a part of me

I hate you, I hate you
But you will not see

With every single tear
I wish you would dissapear
Even when the darkness comes
I know that you are near

My streched arm touch the glass
Thinking I to feel more, but feeling less
Wile I start realizing
You’re nothing but emptyness

I hate you, I hate you
You make me feel useless

I want to break the mirror,
But you got at a thousand houses left
When I break the mirror into pieces,
I´ll see you many more

You are nothing
You are not yourself
You´re not who you want to be
You are
You are
You are. . . . . ME

2 november 2004



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