
anneke-panneke xxx

No matter what wil happen , I'll find my way ,
It makes no sense at all , What other people say ,
You can make children belive in places between ,
But u can't let The kid forget to dream ,
The road we take , Another wish we've passed by ,
Hard words we get , It makes us cry ,
Serendipity makes us believe in destiny ,
Time may kill the past ,
But the feeling of then will last ,
Eyes closed a tear falls over my face ,
Thinking of the old days ,
Running over mountains , So close , so Fast ,
But where afraid to go back , For the past ,
Ashamed to see what we did wrong ,
But like Christina said : Keep on singing my song ,
It doesn't matter how far , How much we're sorry ,
The Tears woun't stop ,
They woun't stop the kid from believing...

22 februari 2006


Geef je beoordeling aan het gedicht: Beginning

Actuele beoordeling: 5,61
Aantal stemmen: 125
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