
your sky isn't bright..
but honey just wait &fight
you will see..
that he has to your heart the key

..but he lost his key a time ago
& now he doesn't find him anymore
so he's gonna flow
& doesn't let me adore

hy doesn't show your key
but at the and you will see
that he can be the one
who makes you happy &let you smile
just think it over for a while.

if i say thank you girl it's to early
to say it's over &think about
but all i want to do on this moment
is go outside and all shout out..

you have to show your feelings
don't keep them hidden
because show what you're feeling
isn't forbidden
but girl come &shout at me
don't be shy.. it's so easy

but how can i just say
that i'm walking away
for some things ii don't suppose to be
and how to say it isn't me
it's always the same thing again
and if i realized that ..i think : REN

If you really wanted to walk away
pleas come to me i say
i understand your feelings for him are less
but girl isn't your life just a mess?

..ii think you're right
but how have i got to fight
he's walking away from me
and he doesn't see
he doesn't exciist
& that's the point i'm pist

but girl you know you won
even i knew it.. before this hole shitt begon
girl I know you're crying
but pleas stand up before dying
it's all a lie
so pleas don't say it all goodbye

..and that's the way it is
I'm not gonna give up like a nerd
even if he just go away and flirt!
i'm standing by my way
i'm not going, but i stayy

Honey you're so strong
i know you go on
you both don't have to grow up apart
you.. and even i can feel it in my heart..

one more last questiion i don't understand
why is he walking away
if i just say
i love you all over again
is that how boys has got their plan?
i don't know it either but how can i just show
that i wanna be with him, that i wanna grow

I'm sorry honey of me..
that's also the point I don't see

and ii know why
so i'm gonna try, to find that answer
even if it isn't what i'm looking for
But then i've got a real store
and the point that we don't see..
is that we're girls, we don't lie..

indeed we're girls who know what is right
and also what is wrong
that's why i'll always be on your side
because you're honest
also to your heart
that's where a brigt future starts..

.. over some time maybe i will know
why he doesn't show
his feelings and doesn't let his tears fall
because i know he's sweet and that's all
maybe he is broken up inside
en maybe his heart cried.....

If he drops his tears
you'll know his fears
just help him to know
who he is.
i think than he'll show
and don't wait for the final kiss
help him to find his way
and everything will be the same

.. if it's true ,cause on the other siide
ii don't know sure if it's right
maybe he's a stupid asshol
who interested for antother
..i haven't got a clue
& that's why i'm still bother

i can see the tear on your skin..
so maybe you have to confrontate him
but always remember
i'll be there
for all your helps &'ll care

thank you so
& ii love you .. that isn't show
i'll be right here for you
and that's true
my tear will fall in a appartment wayy
& that's where the tear will stay
in a box with a key
and .. that key you & i only can see

© made my; :LIEN* .. & priinCesJ

21 maart 2006



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