You your always on my mind

M Hellenthal

If it wasn't the ocean
Wasn't the breezes
Wasn't the white sandThere might be no need
If I could sleep through the cool nights
If I could breathe and eat rightIf
I had worked all summer........
Maybe I wouldn't feel so hollow Oh you, it's always you
It's always you If red roses weren't so lovely
If wine didn't taste so good
If stars weren't so romantic
Then I could do what I should Oh you, it's always you
It's always you

Oh you, it's always you
It's always you
If your love
I could command it
Get your head to understand it!!!!!!
I'd go twice around the world
Even though I may not find it....
Even when I can't find you my love...

23 maart 2006

M Hellenthal


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