

I had my dreams
and they were about you
I had my hopes
and you were in them
You took care of my
and looked over my shoulder

But somehow I closed my eyes
I didn't looked at you
I didn't relaised
that you were the one
who should be saved

No thing I can take
that you haven't thoucht
no word I can say
that will make it better
never said goobye
but so lost we now feel
mught it be better
to just fade away

Now I opened my eyes
and you are still there
I can still hold you
but for my heart you are gone again
we can still talk
but our words seem so empty
we haven't said
what we then feld
and forgot goodbye

What if you had left me
then were would I be
What if you had left me
would you still care about me

lost is the past
but the futur we can make
we've got a change
but is it worth to take
can I help you
like you ones helped me out
don't you scream
and don't shout now
pleace promise me
to in the end say goodbye

my eyes are open
and they will never close
refound my dreams
and I promise to you
that I am holding on
just to be with you
that I am holding on
just so that we can
ones say goodbye

(Dit is eigenlijk een liedje dat ik heb geschreven en opgenomen)

22 april 2006


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