You should know


are you here with me to see
how wonderfull it all could be
to see the world that we both missed
to make come true the dreams we wished
do you want to walk the roads
all the ones we haven't knowed
to hold my hand and tell me how
to make come true your lines of vow

if this is why you're here with me
I will have to make you see
the dreams we had cannot be
I have walked the world we missed
I have seen our roads unknown
if you are here with me to see
all that we ever could be
You will have to know
I gave up the thought of you with me
I have set my feelings free

this isn't what we've left behint
this isn't where we can go on
this is the place I stayed behint
this is the place I stoped my fight
and for always
this is the place where I cry at night

22 april 2006


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