Still see your broken eyes


still see your broken eyes
laying in the dark
still feel the blood
that painted your body red
still taste the frozen tears
that have fallen from my face
and still there is no trace
of you being here with me
and still I cannot see
why it was meant to be

went to the funeral of our hearts
felt the paint that torn us apart
slowly to me it came
that thoughts would never be the same
our love-one laying there
with broken eyes to stair
our hope buried in your coffin
with our love as stuffin
said goodbye to you
on the places that we ones shared

still see your broken eyes
in the water of goodbye
still feel the blood
that has turned the water red
still taste the frosen tears
that for years I've took to bed
and still there is no trace
of you being here with me
and still I cannot see
why it wasn't meant to be

22 april 2006


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