To someone special


I love you
with all my heart
it drives me crazy
knowing things
are tearing us apart

once we were
really best friends
we were together
for as much as we could
weather it was night or day

but then the moment came
I had to move
I got a new job
but it was far away from home
and far away from you

you always gave me support
were there for me when I needed you
always a smile, an arm, a hug
wheather I cried or
I had something on my mind

and when the moment came
I found out I'm a lesbian
you were there for me and promised
it won't drive us apart

you said:
"To me you're still the same
and I will help you through
so if you need me
just give a call
and I will pull you through."

And now I sit here
and I found out something
I miss you more than just as a friend
I really think
I fell in love with you

26 april 2006


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