I don’t want to be the first one

Siro Germon

I don’t want to be the first one
I don’t’ want to be the last one
But I want to be the man
Who can show you what I can

I feel so happy to day
Hear my song by the way
And if you become my wife
You’ll bring the sun in my live

Are you a Boyfriend or a girlfriend
I do not want the money you spend
But I need you because I love you
Yes I need you believe me it’s through

My French Cherie or English lover
Let us finally try to discover
Why we suddenly like each other
All around As sister and brother

9 mei 2006


Geef je beoordeling aan het gedicht: I don’t want to be the first one

Actuele beoordeling: 4,94
Aantal stemmen: 101
Aantal hits: 2352

Recente gedichten in de categorie English

06-05-06 Thanks to Radio dynamick New York
27-04-06 WorldCoin
26-04-06 Blow on your horn
25-04-06 Christmas two thousand an four
24-04-06 Eternal Twins
24-04-06 Eternal Twins
24-04-06 Babel
22-04-06 My poetically hart is full with sadness
10-04-06 who’s who in migration
09-04-06 Only us
06-04-06 you
06-04-06 Tango Mortale di Stefanino
04-04-06 Loving
04-04-06 Nothing Left
04-04-06 Tomorrow it’s lady’s day
02-04-06 My world
02-04-06 Going down
29-03-06 Someday
29-03-06 Blue Eyes
29-03-06 you loved me
29-03-06 countdown
27-03-06 cold heart
27-03-06 Come back dad
27-03-06 Alaana
26-03-06 blue christmas

Lees alle gedichten in de categorie English

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