It is the heaviness without caress;
play the music if you can,
it is our heart's breathing without a ban
and true fulfillment for the better man.
It turns you loose,
unwinding your constant sorrow
and opens up the many inner spaces
where you feel at home in your domain;
this earnest expression is more than plain.
Spiritual growth but not the overdose;
freedom of the heart expanding,
desires of the soul demanding;
our happiness is our goal
and not the divided endless pain.
True love wants inside to settle,
our heart's breathing a necessity
and also our inner battle.
For life's part in our diversity,
we will play our role with our sincerity,
we all have our variety.
Do away with dark ambition;
is is God's heart with His decision.
Elements and powers will come to us with showers
and it is His grace what makes us stand strong,
for we belong on our both feet,
we are able then for many things to meet.
Trust and thankfulness for our good mission,
for it is an unseen notice
but God's world within our soul
is a flower like a lotus and His divine words
begin as food for our spirit selves.
It will bring joy
and will be our vision
for it will create bases for better understanding.
Sunday February 16, 2003 Michael C. M. Jepkes
10 mei 2006
Actuele beoordeling: 5,37
Aantal stemmen: 57
Aantal hits: 1926
![]() | Datum | Gedicht |
09-05-06 | Home is where the heart is | |
07-05-06 | bidden | |
02-05-06 | maybe... | |
25-04-06 | De Huwelijkskaars | |
24-04-06 | Eeuwige Tweeling | |
21-04-06 | Geloof, Hoop en Liefde | |
10-04-06 | Mijn Pinksteren | |
06-04-06 | Toen ik klein was | |
31-03-06 | God ik geloof nog in Pasen | |
30-03-06 | geen | |
28-03-06 | Als een klein gebed | |
26-03-06 | Vertrouwen | |
23-03-06 | God, Allah, Boudha | |
23-03-06 | Ik kijk onrustig om mij heen, | |
18-03-06 | spiritueel | |
17-03-06 | Leven | |
16-03-06 | Daarom! | |
16-03-06 | God's zegen | |
16-03-06 | Mystiek | |
11-03-06 | Geloof | |
07-03-06 | Aan mijn vriend pastoor | |
03-03-06 | spiegel | |
24-02-06 | Mijn grote vriend daarboven | |
13-02-06 | Mijn 0uders... | |
10-02-06 | hemelvloot |
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Relatiebureau InterDuo relatiebemiddeling is het meest toonaangevende relatiebureau voor Nederlandse en Belgische HBO’ers en academici. InterDuo is erkend door de BER: Branchevereniging Erkende Relatiebureaus.
Wie heeft gezegd dat de liefde blind is? Zij is de enige die scherp ziet: zij ontdekt schoonheden waar anderen niets merken.
- André Frossard
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