Wind of change; morning glory

michael c.m. jepkes

Playing with your life,
how serious we shall be offended,
sustain all forms and be reverended.

Through morning, life and daylight see,
break the chains of midnight free,
lest the fire and of evil
will play the role of midnight bride.

In our hearts we are ever searching
and we shall remember our upbringing,
it is the game to sudden hide.

The doctor of forgiven hardship,
cure the mind and melt our hearts,
walls of terror that surround us,
rippled water into deep,
Father of the child inside us,
years of practise, giant leap.

Learn eachother with the friendship,
our hearts will be for ever singing,
then our mission lives in pride;
Truth will give us the decision,
some would take an intermission,
and open up the eyes inside.

Through our changes we shall be driven,
impulse come and consciousness,
carve your name in strong complexion,
the arrow swings in right direction.

Mother of eternal splendour
speaks to us in morning grandeur,
that God lives inside us all
and He will be for ever seeking,
for our task we shall be reaping,
our steps we take so light,
through the mud we hide inside,
it is God's trust in us that shines so bright.

For it is our life what tells its story,
leave behind His morning glory.

Wednesday August 21, 2002 Michael C. M. Jepkes

15 mei 2006


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