please God


What can i do...about the emptyness in my life
What can i i can survive

This is not the life i choose to live
Did i do something wrong?..if i do..oh god..please forgive

I want to stop this pain inside..please god tell me why
If you choose this life for me..its better to let me die

I don't want to be here..i feel all alone
Help me cause i can't stand it on my own

I can't find back my hapiness
The only thing i feel is the emptiness

There's hanging a shadow all over me
Please god can't you see?

I've no were to run
I'm distraught without anyone

That's the way i feel right now
I want to be happy..please god tell me how

I try to keep tight to my faith
but soon my strength become to an i can't wait

Why i must suffering i can't be my hole life strong
Tell me why i must live like this...i didn't do anything wrong

I want to be positive and never give up
but i need your help...please let this pain inside stop

Its not the life i ve planned
I want it to be end

I never take from people what they don't freely give
So why is this the life you choose for me to live

If this is it...a life without feeling any love
Please god take me with you to a better place..high above!!

1 juni 2006


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