

love is the most beautifull thing there is
and everyone know what love is
for everyone its diffrent what love realy is
we gave it a word and say what love is
nobody knows what realy love is
but everyone feels what love realy is

6 juni 2006


Geef je beoordeling aan het gedicht: love

Actuele beoordeling: 4,87
Aantal stemmen: 83
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Aantal hits: 4719

Recente gedichten in de categorie English

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27-05-06 There was no studio, no maistro
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24-05-06 pain
24-05-06 There is no more a silent night
23-05-06 just you and me
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20-05-06 Someone Special (2003)
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17-05-06 crying inside
13-05-06 I feel my old body so far away
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06-05-06 Thanks to Radio dynamick New York
27-04-06 WorldCoin
26-04-06 Blow on your horn
25-04-06 Christmas two thousand an four
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24-04-06 Eternal Twins
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22-04-06 My poetically hart is full with sadness

Lees alle gedichten in de categorie English partner: InterDuo Relatiebemiddeling

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