my God! These glances of yours!


My God! These glances of yours!
I'm mad for you.
How are you revealing this secret to me?
You're speaking with your eyes.
All the spells of enchantment are yours.

My God! These glances of yours!
I'm mad for you.
You who touch the stars in my heart,
you tell me: having met you,
who wouldn't cede their heart and soul?

My God, these glances of yours!
A glowing body: magic, magic;
a wealth of hair: fragrance, fragrance;
my breath is scented,
your glances intoxicated.
Your body is like a garden;
the sight of it will scatter my wits!

My God, these glances of yours!
I'm mad for you.
How are you revealing this secret to me?
You're speaking with your eyes.
All the spells of enchantment are yours.

My God! These glances of yours!
Some giddy high spreads, overflows;
good sense hangs by a thread.
It's as if I'm lost, lost;
awake, but asleep, dreaming.
Keep fluttering, keep melting
in the circle of my arms.

My God! These glances of yours!
I'm mad for you.
You who touch the stars in my heart,
tell me, having met you,
who wouldn't cede their heart and soul?
My God, these glances of yours!
I'm mad for you.
How are you revealing this secret to me?
You're speaking with your eyes.
All the spells of enchantment are yours.
my God! These glances of yours!

9 juni 2006


Geef je beoordeling aan het gedicht: my God! These glances of yours!

Actuele beoordeling: 5,29
Aantal stemmen: 75
Aantal hits: 2088

Recente gedichten in de categorie English

08-06-06 Who is that one Who
07-06-06 memories
06-06-06 love
31-05-06 Don't
29-05-06 I sit in the bar of the hotel
27-05-06 That’s why aunt Josée I am your author
27-05-06 There was no studio, no maistro
26-05-06 When all the bells are jingling
24-05-06 sometimes
24-05-06 pain
24-05-06 There is no more a silent night
23-05-06 just you and me
21-05-06 Someone Special (2006)
20-05-06 Someone Special (2003)
18-05-06 Siro germon represent something new
17-05-06 crying inside
13-05-06 I feel my old body so far away
12-05-06 The Longing
11-05-06 Yes to day it’s Valentine’s Day
09-05-06 I don’t want to be the first one
06-05-06 Thanks to Radio dynamick New York
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26-04-06 Blow on your horn
25-04-06 Christmas two thousand an four
24-04-06 Eternal Twins

Lees alle gedichten in de categorie English partner: Books for Singles

Books for Singles

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