The Journey


I feel like sinking, but my soul flies higher
To see the beloved one, is my only desire
The cure to my illness, still so far
I asked : Can a hand reach to a star?

The beloved one replied : I am near!
Look within yourself, and all will be clear
The path to me is within yourself, in your heart
Now you know how reach to me and where to start

The heart is more than a part of your body
It's the road to the essence of the world
All what you see is merely a reflection
Only believe half of what you have been told

A mirror is an eyes best friend
Your reason is merely a helping hand
But dont expect to understand the world
Can a glass hold an ocean? No it can't!

The door to the beloved one is in your heart
You must learn to love, to open that door
But to love is not a merely a desire
Love is burning, burning from a painful fire

I said: O beloved one, tell me, make me understand
How can i burn like a fire , how can i be your dear?
The beloved one replied: To burn is to forget yourself
Till you become a part of me, to burn until you dissappear

Because where there is a "Me", love cannot be
"Me" is about one, while a love of earthly desire is about two
Eternal love is love where there is only, only a "YOU"

It is since then, that I have forgot to think about “ME”
Like a little drop of rain vanishing in the sea
I lost myself in the beloved one
It is since then, that everywhere I look..

The Beloved one is who I see..

13 juni 2006


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