the twilight


i see something in your eyes
can't figure it out at all
they are looking at me,
almost trough me

these brown pearls in front of me,
so small yet so precious,
so unvaluable,yet so important
so normal,yet powerfull enough to destroy my heart

the crysal thats hiding behind the twilight,
worth more then a mountain of gold
the love inside that crystal,
worth more then a lifetime of love
which belongs to another

i'ld reither be with you for as long as i can,
then share my life with someone i'll never love anyway

every night i pray,
to let this love find it's way
and surviving or not,
the one thing you said to me on that very night,
changed my life forever

so i'll let the twilight stare at me
couse as far as anyone know,
i may not see it again tomorrow

25 juni 2006


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