can't breate

elle bakker

I can’t breathe anymore
My mind is going insane
Everybody is leaving me
Seems like I’m to
Much to handle
I really want to die
But I’m so scared to
Miss a lot of things
But to much is to much
So I’m just living
Everyday hoping that
God will finally come
And take me to his
Beautiful peaceful paradise
Where he stands next to me
Holding my hand and
Leading me to that place
Where everything is so peaceful
But HE isn’t comming and it
Feels like I’m already dead
That God has send me to hel
To pay for all my faults
For all the pain I’ve caused
I’m so full of hate
Can’t wait anymore
Always hearing that better
Days eventually will come
Tiered of hearing that
Everything will be solved
Don’t understand myself and
Don’t understand the others
When will everything stop

6 december 2004


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Aantal stemmen: 210
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Recente gedichten in de categorie English

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31-10-04 Love me and leave me
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11-07-04 You!

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