so hard to belief


What will you say if I loved you
what would you do
what will you say if I need you
would you say you need me to

What will you do if I hold you close
would I scare you would you walk away
what will you do if I touch you
would you feel it or turn my blue to gray

You said that we only could be friends
but your eyes light sky
why do you persissed in running away
my colours won't change your mind

I hold on to the light I see in your eyes
I hold on to these endless nights
I hold on I won't change I be the same for you
I hang on but why you have to act this way

What will you do if the butterflies
would die of loneliness
what would yo do to save them
it's a gift you should cherish

What must I say, what can I do
to make you see
'cause I can't find my way, my way thrue to you
is it so hard to belief

20 juli 2006



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