could not lie


You are pretty like a flower
and if God sends you his rain
I pray it will be sweet en gentle
so you won't feel no pain

And when the sun open her eyes
shining down on you
I hope you think of me
and know the road that I choose

It's not easy as it seems
walking alone in a see of memorys
but it is honest even though I cry
the path of thruth has hurt me
but I couldnt lie

I will colour the wind
turn the night into a velvet sky
I will follow the melodie
I will lurn how to fly

I'm so ashamed of how I treaded you
you deserve so much more
but maybe someday we will fly again
like we did before

Let me tell you this
written in tears
the wind is changing colours
through out the years

It's not easy as it seems
walking alone in a see of memorys
but it is honest even though I cry
the path of thruth has hurt me
but I couldnt lie

And baby I still love you
with every litlle peace of my heart
don't you think I don't love you
but for now my memorie you are

A kingdom has fallen
as the queen rest her tears
someday the sun will open her eyes
like a flower in spring

15 augustus 2006



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