how come the world won't stop

Lady Tina

Somebody told me you were not coming home,
the words suspended in time, an the air suddenly went cold,
the sun is still shining, but everything feels like rain
and if I had one wish, it would be to see you again

nothings fair, when we lose
without a moment to say goodbye

How come the world won't stop spinnin now that your gone?
I know ever end has beginings
but this ones so wrong, so wrong

caught in the middle,
wrong place, wrong time,
and I'm hopelessly missing you,
and I can't stop the night

nothings fair, anymore,
and I know theres a better place,
and I'll never stop dreaming of you

How come the world won't stop spinnin
now that your gone?
I know every end has begging
but this ones so wrong
how can the seasons keep changing
since you disappeared?
tell me how come the world won't stop,
how come the world won't stop

sweet tears are shared,
this pain we lay to rest,
its hard letting go,
but I keep moving on,
in a place I don't belong.

how come the world won't stop spinning
now that your gone?
I know every end has beginings
but this ones so wrong
how can the seasons keep changing
since you disappeared?

tell me how come the world won't stop,
how come the world won't stop

3 september 2006

Lady Tina


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