i'm sorry that i hurt you


I’m sorry that i hurt you,
You still be in my dreams.
But when i wake up than is
Averything gone than i think how you
Really are and than i’m scarred bescause
I hurt you and i never mean it really
You will always in my heart
I hope you think about it and you exept
The tings i sead
But if you lissing to your heart than you
Bether think how i really am and how much
I think about you and i now that i was wrong and
I’m sow sorry i never felt tis wey before
I now that you are made for whate i sade and thane
But pleas forgive me and now i’m sade
Bescause you are made and i wish that one day
All the sadenes fley away and never come back!

16 december 2004



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