I am in to the deptht of my soul
like the deepest ocean
everything is written down
but stil I have no notion
of what to do with this feeling we share
how to put it on an old peace of paper
I can see the chords down there
So how should I say this
how should I sing
for you it ends with a new beginning
I m flowting on a cloud of thoughts
far above from what is real
nor voices, neither words
just all that we feel
but what is this feeling we share
my thoughts like missing peaces from a puzzle
I can feel the melody somewhere in the air
So how should I put this
how should i explain
for you the sun shines, where it used to rain
So now I m inside the chambers of my heart
and I m standing in front of a mirror
a little candle, no reflection
just the rhythem that is been given
why should we wurry for this feeling we share
why should we give it a name
just let it be, it wont mind
it will be all the same
So I wont say this
I wont even try
just a smile, where you used to cry
12 september 2006
Actuele beoordeling: 5,22
Aantal stemmen: 37
Aantal hits: 2532
![]() | Datum | Gedicht |
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