My heaven on earth


I am sitting here waiting for you to call me
thw feeling you gave me I can not let go
are you somewhere feeling lonely
are you out there thinking of me

There is so much I want to tell you
I can not reach you no matter what I do
so I just wait here by my window
out there thinking of you

Will you dream of me tonight
when I am alone in my bed
will you think of me tommorow
when I am lost inside your head
will you remember the night we spend together
it was my heaven on earth
and I want it to last forever

As foolish as it may seem
cause I know you will leave someday
I know I am a non believer
but baby for you I will pray

That you wont forget the way you make me feel
and how you put that smile upon my face
and as you ly in my arms
it is all that matters today
tommorow fades away

Will you dream of me tonight
when I am alone in my bed
will you think of me tommorow
when I am lost inside your head
will you remember the night we spend together
it was my heaven on earth
and I want it to last forever

14 september 2006



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