This is my goodbye


And now I wish we could have had one more day, so I could tell you how I feel.
Because I hate myself for never saying goodbye.
What I feel, what I say, what I do, can never bring me back to you.
We can never talk again like we used to do,
and things will never be the same without you,
I never knew what you meant to me, or why this was meant to be.
But I know you’ll always be in my heart and when it gets dark,
I’ll let you shine your light on me.
Empty is how I feel, when I think about you.
Please forgive me for what I haven’t done.
I can’t find a way to release the pain that I have inside,
the pain I can hide no more.
I realize we won’t see each other again. I wish this would have never end.
All I can try is cope with how I feel, and hope that in time my wounds will heal.
When I look at the sky, and again I can’t get by, something deep down tells of you’re still with me inside, so I guess this is my goodbye.

15 september 2006


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