the smile you see isn't real


You see this girl with lots of joy
in her life..every single day..
Then you see this cute little smile
on her face.. every single day
Then you see her running trough the grass
with joy and that smile on her face..
Behind all the joy and smily faces
hides a girl.. who's afraid to show
who she really is..she cries at night
when she is lying in her bed.. thinking
what do do with her life.
Continue being in a shell or show who
you really are.. with the risk nobody likes you anymore..
Then she came to her sencess and thought.. why would anyone hate me.. i'm just a normal girl.. just a like everyone else.
And no one is better than anyone or anything.. it just needs a little courage to say that.
You know what..?
I had that courage to admit i was wrong..
to admit i wasn't better than anyone else
to admit i'm just a person like every single on of you living in this world!!!

This is me!!!

2 november 2006



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