What's Going On


She opens her watery eyes
And realizes he’s not with her
Her heart is giving an advise
But it looks all like a blur

It’s in the middle of the night
Where can he be right now
She wants to find the answer
but she doesn’t know how

Because she…

Doesn’t know what’s happening
Doesn’t know what’s going on
But inside her heart she knows
Yes she knows, what’s going on

Why is she still denying it
Why can’t she see things clear
She runs away from the pain
and hides for her greatest fear

Just like everyone in this world
She wants to be a happy girl
But does he love her at all
Does he see her like a pearl

Maybe it’s his way of living
Maybe he thinks it’s all right
To have more than one love
that he’s not with her tonight

And she…

Doesn’t know what’s happening
Doesn’t know what’s going on
But inside her heart she knows
Yes she knows, what’s going on

Why is she still denying it
Why can’t she see things clear
She runs away from the pain
and hides for her greatest fear

Now I’m telling her…

Don’t you know you’re special
The boy doesn’t deserve you
There is a very good reason
For everything that you do

Make the choices in your life
that makes you happy
There is no need at all
to always think of another

Now do it!

Let him know what’s happening
Let him know what’s going on
Your life is about to begin now
Yes you’re better off without him

You don’t have to be unfaithful
about what your heart says now
Every time you want to you
deserve to know what’s going on

23 november 2006



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