Love Has Disappeared


It looks like a decade ago
I can still see your eyes
so beautiful dark brown
I forgot all other guys

Your hand holding mine
Warm and so tender
Telling me not to go
So you can surrender

But now that it’s over
I just can’t believe it
Now that it’s all gone
It tears me bit by bit

You are so cold to me
Making yourself clear
I was a nobody for you
It’s about to disappear

Now let it all disappear
Why should I even care?
I should know by now
That life isn’t always fair

Love made it so difficult
How it can blind you
To see everything pink
I just wanted to get into

Into the real feelings
My love and your life
Was that too much to ask?
Now it cuts me like a knife

‘Cause now that it’s over
I just can’t believe it
Now that it’s all gone
It tears me bit by bit

Now love’s disappeared
By a blink of an eye
That still looks so nice
That no one can deny

23 november 2006



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