

You stand there
Not knowing
What to say
And yet
You’re still there

With his eyes
In your mind
Heard the sounds
Of yesterday
Felt the sense
Of tomorrow
Once there was
A choice
One option
He chose wrong
She chose wrong
And yet
You’re still there

Life has faded
Death has come
Still pretending to
Laugh out laud
But you’ve lost
The only thing
You’ve ever loved
Directly in the eye
He stares
But you know
You disappeared
And yet
You’re still there

Tormented mind
Distracted body
No need for words
But her mouth
Keeps moving
His hands
Softly move
Towards her
You’ve lost
The fantasy play
It’s reality
You’re in
And yet
You’re still there

He changed
She changed
You changed
Into insanity
Then he left
In his turn
He watched
You move
But you left
The one you loved
And yet
You’re still there

You will never
Meet him again
He left the doubt
Settled with
The easy
No longer mortal
Radically you made
The fatal decision
For everyone
You’re no longer

He stares
In the dark
You left him
All he sees
Your empty soul
Followed the track
To the end
And yet
She’s still there

Black covered
But two lights
Never leave your head
They will be there
Protecting you
From harm
But all they cause
Is harm
No escape
From his eyes
You’re no longer
And yet
He still is

2 december 2006


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Verkiezingsuitslag: 25e prijs
Aantal stemmen: 461
Aantal hits: 3710

Recente gedichten in de categorie Onmogelijke liefde

01-12-06 Alweer.
24-11-06 Ik was te laat
23-11-06 Ik heb het je vertelt..
17-11-06 Als...
17-11-06 Weetjes
17-11-06 Niet vergeten
16-11-06 Verboden Liefde
01-11-06 Wachten duurt zo lang
01-11-06 Soms...
01-11-06 Het leven zoals het is
31-10-06 Ik weet het niet
31-10-06 Ik weet het niet
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28-10-06 Onmogelijk
28-10-06 Onmogelijk
27-10-06 Bloedend Hart
25-10-06 Liefde en verdriet
24-10-06 Genoeg gedaan en gezien,,
24-10-06 Het zal nooit gebeuren
21-10-06 liefde met respect
11-10-06 lieve schat..
03-10-06 wie weet...
02-10-06 Gevoel en gedachten
02-10-06 Jij werd mijn ster
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