voor oma


I've found myself today
I found myself and ren away
something pulled me back
a voice of reasons I forgot I had
all I know is you're not here to say
what you always used to say
but it's written in the sky tonight
so I won't give up
and I won't break down
sooner then it seems life turns around
and I will be strong
even if it all goes wrong
when I'm standing in the dark I still believe
someone's wachting over me
I see that beautiful light
and it's shining on my desteny
shinning all the time
and I won't be affraid
to follow everywhere it's taking me
all I know is yesterday is gone
and right now I belong
to this moment
to my dreams
it doesn't mather what people say
and it doesn't mather how long it takes
believe in yourself
and you're fine
it only mathers how true you are
be true to yourself and follow your heart.
because I know
someone's wathing over me!!

19 december 2006



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