this is love


the first time i met you you hate me and i hate you
but the last time i saw you i didnt know what to do
the woman i hate is the woman i love the most now
and i was just thinking and consider how
and yes i know this is real love because you make me free
and i dont want to so everything different than you and me
and maybe it's difficult because the past but i know we have to try
and i will always believe you girl even iff you lie
yes i love you and this never may come to an end
when i see you i know you from heaven sent
this is love and i will always be from my side
and if we have to, for our love i want to fight.
it's just you and me and nothing else i think about.
i wanna stand on a building and scream your name out loud.
tell the people how proud i am with you in my live,
that you're one and i want you as my wife.
i want to spend forever with you and give you everything,
it feels like you are the queen and i am your king.
yes just give me love and my live is al okay,
i love you forever is all you have to say.
to say to make my live all compleet,
Your in my heart your there with every beat.
i know this is real love so iff you give yours you get mine to,
all I want to say with this poem is I LOVE YOU!!

10 januari 2007



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