


You came to me rushing like the clouds in the sky
unashamedly , and I never asked you why

like whispers on the wind, and like sunlight through the rain
you kissed me, with a sign in your breath and took away all the pain

you came to me, like sunlight breaking through the clouds
like sun shinning through a rainbow, and took away my doubts

I always had my questions, but answers never came
you made me feel alive again, and left me without shame

you came to me, like raindrops falling from the heavens above
and showed me the true meaning, of something you called love

like little rays of moonlight, like sparkles from the sun
with you always felt the days would just go on and on

you came like a dessert storm, a whirlwind of sand
very wise indeed you where, and you gave me your hand

I felt you where my friend, and gave you all my love
than one day this bright light came and took you up above

you have your wings now, like an eagle soaring through the clouds
and you're no longer with me, but left me with my doubts

please bring me light, and give me wings and let us fly together
through the sun and rain and clouds, through every kind of weather

29 januari 2007


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Verkiezingsuitslag: 39e prijs
Aantal stemmen: 1896
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