I'm not a superstar


When the night falls
And darkness arrises
I know you'll stay here forever
And never let me go.

But I won't leave too
Even when I said I'd ever do
Nothing lasts forever
Except me and you.

I won't survive without your love
No, I won't survive in this world
And I can better say it twice
So you'll never forget this night.

"When I look to heaven and see the stars
I remember the times I fell in love
I remember you and your smile
I remember the times you made me cry.

Not for pain or madness
Not for anger or sadness
But for the times you were here with me
And made me smile like I should be.

You can't bear the thought of living without me
And I hope you'll ever see
I care about you more than you can think
And I'll give you more than everything
Just to make you happy
And proud on me.

But don't forget
I'm not a superstar
I'm just a person
Who wants to give you love."

18 februari 2007


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