tekstjes die ik vaak gebruik


* once in your life
you find someone
who will turn your world around
& bring you up when you're
feeling down

* what if i told you it was meant to be?
would you believe me,
would you agree?

* i don't know how to touch your world
& get some love out of you
do i gotta get water from the moon?
turn sand into the sea?
is that what you want from me,
to make you love me...?

* loving you
isn't really something i should do
but baby you're the right from wrong

* the heart will not heal
all we can do is close peace with the past
& forget it..

* the whole world fades away
& the only thing i hear
is the beating of my heart..

* don't know what to say
don't know what to do
how can i make you see
it matters to me..

* God has given us a love
that will last forever..

* i know in my heart
you're the only one for me

* let me live
& you won't see the tears..
just let me be

* you don't give me the words
i want to hear
if you want me to stay
make it clear..

* i'm just a girl
who wants to be the center of your world..

* why can't you see
this love that's here for you
inside of me..

* you're so hard to believe
you're just not making sense to me..!

xxx miess

21 februari 2007


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Aantal stemmen: 23
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Recente gedichten in de categorie Hartenkreten

20-02-07 My dream....
13-02-07 Laat het niet uitdoven
06-02-07 ben ik jou kwijt? VENTJE
03-02-07 mooie dromen
03-02-07 Verraden
02-02-07 Vijf en twintig januari
01-02-07 Love for you
01-02-07 When i cry!
31-01-07 zoen
31-01-07 Naar de klote
31-01-07 Zomaar
30-01-07 gevoel
29-01-07 Gedachten
29-01-07 Dromen van katja
29-01-07 alleen is maar alleen
29-01-07 dromen
28-01-07 liefde en geluk
28-01-07 verlangen naar jou
28-01-07 voor jou
28-01-07 DE EERSTE KUS
28-01-07 mijn lieve mooie ster
28-01-07 Verslaving
28-01-07 Je liet en laat me in de steek
24-01-07 Zonneschijn

Lees alle gedichten in de categorie Hartenkreten

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