my everything

C. Gardien

i wanna do it enny time. when i see you with a smile.
but i dont wanna beleef its treu.
when i walked in to your door.
this would last longer then more.
but there must be sumthing behind it.
we had a great time no doud.
sleep together and go out.

i dont wanna beleef
i dont wanna see
i am going to cry
it looks like i am going to die
i wanned a kid from you
i wanned a ring with you
i wanned to do with you every thing

you let me behind.
with no 1 on my side
i feel so bad that i lost you
i am going to tell you what you where for me
you where my diamonds
my hope
my hope to suckses
you where my angel beter then my best friend
no disrespect
i loved here and she kicked it all back

nien youf got 1 change
maby later but dont kick it back
i will remamber you in my mind
and from the picture on a line from the table next to my side
i forgive you dont forget me
i loved you but maby you didnt see
have a great time and if you have problems
come to my place no discrase but then we talk it al away
but nien dont hurd me anny more

24 februari 2007

C. Gardien


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