

I love you so,
Baby, You're the one
I'll never ever let you go

Even through the hard times
We still match like rhymes
When things are bad,
We make them work,
You're the best I ever had

Nobody can beat us,
'Cause we stand strong
Seen as two
But together as one
You're the love of my life
Without you, I don't wanna survive

'Cause you give me everything I need
It's only us, you and me, And we'll succeed
You're the sunshine in my life,
You make my heart shine bright...

I've been through so much,
Happiness, but also pain
And always when I feel bad
I wanna crawl back into your arms again
'Cause what we have boy,
Is so damn special
You're my precious, my goal

I wanna thank you,
For all that you're giving me
You clear my vision, baby
'Cause you're so clear as water
And you is all I have to see

Together we laugh,
But also cry
Make each other cheer up,
Hug each other through the night

Baby, what we have is real,
That's what I want you to know,
That's how you make me feel

I love you

18 maart 2007



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