

a distant sound
flashes in the sky
my brothers, astound
and afraid to die

my mother calms them down
don’t worry, we’re alright
as we gaze upon the town
and the signs of a fight

above our head
planes all around
fighting till the death
against fire from the ground

and there where you can suddenly see
a mountain begin
used to be
the building I worked in

I suddenly hear
an increasing sound
I begin to fear
death’s abound

I see it nearing me
I fight
to struggle free
and filled with fright
I start to scream
then I wake up
it was just a dream

my back itches
but when I scratch it
I feel stitches
and a bony bit

I see a woman figure
I ask her where I am
she seems worried about me
she starts to repeat
what I just dreamed about
how could she know?

she tells me how we met
she was in a coma
and my family was death

28 mei 2007


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