My poems


I write my poems full off passion, love or with hate, I\'m down with that way of writing but with you it\'s too late. I\'ve dumped you for someone special, someone good and someone real, but you have made a mess of yourself you\'d never accepted my deal.

I was clear about what I wanted with you, just to see where it will go, I was down with that and went with that flow. I was always there for you and this is the way you pay me back? It\'s crazy even for you, but I’ve got to know you you are that wack.

You\'ve kept me awake every night with your complaining and your cry\'s, that was hell for me but now it’s time for goodbyes. Never a day you saw my pain what is it that you have regain? It\'s low even for you, keeping busy with my poems with my life and with my wife. Let it go and live your life, be with your girl and make her your wife.

Stop copying me with the same kind of shit, this is me and this is how I live it. My life is mine and I live it with pride, I’ve got my beauty next to me she is always by my side. I\'m through with you and all you\'re yapping, I can hit you with my words without the slapping.

Stop looking at my poems, just keep busy with your own but please girl leave me alone! You’ve got your friends and I’ve got mine stop thinking about me all the time. Keep it clean and let it go, this is not the way it has to go.

I’ve helped you to get up on your feet, but there is no chance I want to get back with you no way I want us to meet. I hope this is clear for you and I hope you will stop looking back, leave it the way it is or you’ll be a wrack.

Stop putting energy in this nonsense or you might get lost in this fight. I’m done with putting my energy into this bullish, this is not the way to live this is really foolish.

I’m better then this and I’ve grown up a lot, when you were doing some other girl, my baby was there for me you were not. With the help of my wife she made so much possible, I can do anything because she is in my life.

This has to stop now, my energy is out, I’m through with you or do I have to shout? My babe is the one I\'m with we have throne you out!

1 juni 2007


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