I'll come to you


Everything has a reason.
I forgot the reason why I was born..
Maybe because I want to feel sunshine, though the sky is torn.
Everyone knows his goal, before he comes alive.
Still the weakest reason for people is just to survive.
So this life is what we make of it, the reason we need to find out.
So as long as we get to know ourselves, at the end we can be proud.
Now my feelings are telling me you're the reason why I'm here.
But something inside of me can't accept it what we share.
For now we should be quiet lucky just with what we've got.
We're a little hurt but if I could turn back time,
I would not.
Just feel happy now, you shouldn't feel the blues.
And when the time's right...
I'll come to you sweetly, I'll come to you

30 juni 2007



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