Cry of the Lonesome One

C.I.M.A. Punk

An unnamed emptiness wanders through my soul.
I can feel it, pulling me down into desperation.
Why am I missing mankind's foundation?
I got everything, yet I am not whole.

In my hand are all the high cards, but no hearts.
Oh Cupid, why do you always miss me with your darts?
I am loveless for almost 20 years,
I do not want to drown in my own tears.

Everywhere I go, romance is in the air.
Couples are walking, talking, fooling around.
Get me out this never ending nightmare.
Now my emotions never go off the ground.

The boa of tragedy is constricting me,
so I can not go near priceless beauty.
The air is leaving my body, every time my heart beats.
Is living in solitude my final destiny?

No, life can not go this way!
I want to see pink and red, not black and grey.
I can go beyond my abilities,
as long as my future queen will be pleased.

25 juli 2007


Geef je beoordeling aan het gedicht: Cry of the Lonesome One

Actuele beoordeling: 9,33
Aantal stemmen: 3
Daler: -0,17
Aantal hits: 2001

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