20 Roses

MemO GuLo E.

Remember, Remember, 20th of September.
You and me, The day when our true love had to be.
Official I confess that day, that you make me happy in anyway.
That I will be there for you, for everyday.

Cause your a sunshine that makes the sky so blue,
Summer, Winter it makes no different, Love is bound with you,
A sunshine that makes it true, not only with words but with actions that you do.

It open my hart, and that’s not the only part,
You show me the meaning of the love art.
Know I am swimming in ocean of love,
In crush like a white dove,
You make this man with a feeling “don’t know witch move”,
Because you give me a feeling that makes it like a fable,
That makes you so unpredictable,

A love that’s write, not that all ready has be written.
So I write my love with signs, A love that begins with no lies,
20 roses for my baby boo, each roses represent my love 2 you,
For a princes that makes expression with royal class, not for a fool.

Let me dangle you in my arms,
Cause love is power, can you feel it sky’s is the limit, once you reveal it.
Your heart was wounded, God sent me to heal it.
On a mission with no stress love, touch you with precision.

A love like diamonds and pearls, You can trust me girl,
I never met a girl who satisfied my mental and physical thing
When I lay down to sleep and
I rest assured with the thought that you are right next 2 me, you see?

So I bless the 20september, that makes me remember a sunshine with a love you always remember.
20 roses that shows my love and feeling for that day, that we make a bound with a special way.

Truly yours.

30 juli 2007

MemO  GuLo E.


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