Wash Away

Rose McMillan

Wash away the make-up
Is washing away my confidence
And washing away my mask
You call me stupid for making up my face
While what I really do is hiding my face
The real me
I’ve been hiding for so long now
I can’t do without the make-up
I cry seeing myself without the mask
To see who I really am
I wonder why I try so hard to be something I’m not
Every morning I take a look at myself and wonder why
Seeing my eyes and skin
A second later I remember why I hide my face
I ask myself to use foundation or not to
Always decide to do
No one is allowed to see my imperfectness
I start…
Black lines under my eyes…
White eye shadow…
Dark eye shadow…
And big fat black lines above my eyes.
I’m safe again
Knowing the same thing will happen the next morning
For the rest of my life
My miserable life
Being unhappy
No… not being able to live with my face
I look at other people
No matter how hard I try
I will never be beautiful or hot
I will never draw all the attention in a room
Because of my beautiful eyes
Or because of my kissable lips
Why can’t I accept the fact I will never be that
Never will be pretty
Why can’t I move on?
Why am I so shallow?
Is it ever gonna end?
Am I ever gonna be able to look in a mirror
And not get noxious?
Will I ever be happy?

5 oktober 2007


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