Do you remember boy?


Do you remember boy,
The first time we saw each other..
You know what I mean..
We talked
We laughed
We felt a connection..

You had a girlfriend,
and you told me sweet things,
and I didn't get it, while you had a girl..
What you did to me wasn't good,
and you knew it boy,
But it was too late
I drowned into your "love"..

Your smile,
Your eyes,
Your mouth, everything so perfectly
Yet I put myself the question;
What's not perfecty at you?
Did I become a blind person
because I loved you too much?

I can't hear they're saying your name,
You ignored me, but you said you cared about me, but now I know better: you didn't..

I've talked to you once again, twice again..
And it's totally over.
We're no more friends, nothing..
You broke my heart,
and you can play it so well,
it's called 'The Lovegame' Mister..
And you won..
So what?

You used me,
You said you loved me,
you're f*cking liar!

And why are you still on my mind, in my thoughts?!

You don't deserve to take a place in my heart.
I'm still trying to forget you.
And that's what I'm gonna do..
I forget you - I forgot you - I forgotten you..

I don't wanna hear your name anymore.
'cause I can take it no longer..

I know that this story is not the end of the world,
but you've broken something in me;

My heart..


5 november 2007



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