My Special Love

Johnnie Zign

My Special Love

Tekst, muziek, recorded en geproduceerd door Johnnie Zign (copyright 2000)

There are thousands of miles between us
And I never had the pleasure of holding you tight
I'm all confused and I don't know what to do
Feels so strange... to call this love on first sight!

Still can't believe this has happened to me
Could it have been those sweet words you've sad
My mind is telling me to jst let it be
But the longing for you drives me mad

I love you in a special way... so special
I don't understand what's really going on
Don't know what makes me feel this way
But I've got to be strong

I know it's just a dream and that is the way it should stay
Cause I know this fantasy is so much better this way
But I can't stop dreaming of you by my side
Put my arms around you and hold you real tight

There are thousands of miles between us
And I never had the pleasure of kissing your lips...

There are thousands of miles between us
And I never had the pleasure of caressing your body
It's so hard that you're so far away
But if you'd look at the sky you will see the same stars I see

I really don't believe in fairytales
But why do I feel like I'm your prince?
"Once upon a time" sounds so good to me
"Happy endings" unreal ever since....

I love you in a special way... so special
I don't understand what's really going on
Don't know what makes me feel this way
But I've got to be strong

17 november 2007


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