My true story - Just so you know


I used to always be happy
When I had the chance to be with you
I used to say ‘I love you’
Every single day
I used to hold you
And never let you go

You were my everything
You were mine

Where did that go to?
What went wrong?
I can’t tell...
Guess I’ll never be able to
You’ll always be the only one to know

Without saying a word
the love just slipped away

I’m sitting here
Feeling sorry for myself

I’m waiting here
For you to clear things up

I’m wishing
I’m secretely wishing
things will change,
the way they used to be

But somehow I know
it won’t turn out that way

I have to keep in mind
That you did to much to me
And it should be a crime
To take you back

I have to keep in mind
That you don’t even wanna talk to me
to keep your pride with you

I know I got to move on
And I hope I can love someone else
As much as I loved you

Just so you know .

18 november 2007


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