The First Time That I Saw Her

michael markar

The first time that I saw her, I thought: finally we meet , I imagine how it will be to lay down for her sweet feet.

her lovely eye's catch me, she looks like a wild cat ,which you do not catch with naked hands.

she already changed my world, she makes my hart storm bij each eye glance.

her presence give me a positive kick, her laugh makes me happy , she turns every sad thought in pastime.

what is this in God's name, I have not even touched her, she looks so innocent and untouched.

she has such a sexy lips, I want to give her mine as a good tip, and show her that she is for me a V.I.P.

what is that I'm feeling, no kiss or a bodycontact was necessary, even thou my soul needs that while I'm hankering.

her eye's are like magic she let my heartbeats go very fast, she makes the beats increase, multiplied with hundred, this wont be for the last.

the moon does not have to shine her light anymore, it's better for the sun continue with his sleep.

because only her presence will make my day shine when she open her eye's like the sun, and my day will end when she close them , and fall in sleep like the moon with the glowing stars.

13 december 2007

michael markar


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