Looking For Real Love

michael markar

If you looking for Love, tenderness, respect honesty and lots of humor, then throw your TV away and set the radio off en forget everything else and come talk with me.

I'm real and nothing is fake about me, like I said nobody is perfect, but if I start to like you, I will fight for you till my last drop of blood.

I believe to get real Love, you have to be prepared to make War, War against the negative feelings that comes at you and try to put you out of love to let you become so sad and quiet.

well: not me, I keep up fighting the good fight, and maybe you can step with me in this colosseum of loneliness and fight with me together against this lonely feelings , then maybe one day I may be your Gladiator who fights for your sweet LOVE to let you wake up every day with Joy and happiness for ever and ever

27 december 2007

michael markar


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