Misplaced Proud Put You Out Of Love

michael markar

People are too proud to say hello first, they think they are like a king
some woman want a man that say's yes and amen on everything.

People are so proud that they unconsciously impose restrictions in a healthy relation.

A woman can be proud, but that does not mean that the man must be a sucker and take things such as they are.

A man has also proud feelings, he is also sometimes sad or solitary, loneliness is an universal heir.

People think too much of itself, that is pure self complacency.

Misplaced pride is a dangerous idea, that brings damage at the human spirit.

Misplaced pride is a breeding place for egoist and self centered people, that has only what to wish for itself.

Misplaced pride ensures that people forgive each other with their mouth, but in their heart they continue living with misery and violence.

Misplaced pride answers honest hard questions with gentle fine lies.

Misplaced pride laughs at people while they laugh with you

Misplaced pride is a thorn in the eye of the romance and truth love.

Misplaced pride cuts like a knife in the heart of the common people.

Misplaced pride hangs rather around with the liar and the impostor, than to hear the truth from the loving person with a pointed finger full of wisdom.

Misplaced pride ensures an arrogant attitude without any reason.

Misplaced pride kills true love and makes people cold from the inside, so that they can make " love " from the outside, but makes you mentally unable to have true LOVE, from the inside you are just dead acting as of you are alive.

Michael Markar Papazian

28 december 2007

michael markar


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